Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Tiger Bread – or Giraffe Bread, but more accurately Tortoise Bread
Traditionally, these buns were called "tiger buns". Clearly, whoever gave them that name had never seen a tiger: they are striped. Then, one day, a little girl wrote to a big supermarket stating that according to her humble opinion, it would be more accurate to call this bread "giraffe bread" on account of its shapes and colours that remind her of the markings of a giraffe rather than of those of a tiger. We are getting closer now, but we're not quite there yet. Sure, there is an improvement from tiger to giraffe, but how is it that no one has ever understood this bread's true nature?
One day, Divine Cherry and Celestial Dragon were walking on an island off the western coast of South America. The island was teeming with weird and wondrous animals, and its vegetation was lush and dense. It was a very popular islands among the gods, since it was the location where of one of the most famous shampoo commercials ever to be aired on DeiTV was shot. With a magical arrow. Be that as it may, Celestial Dragon and Divine Cherry, upon stopping on a small tree-covered hill, found themselves next to a greenish, Spanish-speaking bump in the ground. As it turned out, it was in fact a giant tortoise. Its life had been one of green boredom. In its youth, it had advocated for an ecologically minded revolution that fought for a ban on the consumption of salad by non-herbivores. After all, it wasn't fair – on account of their set of teeth, herbivores couldn't have sides of steak with their main meal! The movement fell in disgrace and its members disbanded. Since then, the giant Spanish-talking tortoise had led a life of renunciation, eating only blades of grass on the top of which a drop of dew was precariously perched. Divine Cherry and Celestial Dragon were moved by the tortoise's story, and so they decided to help it find it a meaning in life again. And so they came up with the idea of turning it into bread. For that way, they argued, the tortoise itself would become the side order with the salad, and would, therefore, have ultimately won its cause!
Obviously, the tortoise was sceptical at first. Also at second, and even at its third thought the tortoise wasn't sure it wanted to become bread.
And so it was that they left it to it. When they got back to the Infinite Palace, however, Divine Cherry set about to prepare "Tortoise buns" – as a souvenir and tribute to the activist, Spanish-speaking tortoise.
Blog-checking lines: Sara and Erica of Baking JDs were our March 2012 Daring Baker hostesses! Sara & Erica challenged us to make Dutch Crunch bread, a delicious sandwich bread with a unique, crunchy topping. Sara and Erica also challenged us to create a one of a kind sandwich with our bread!
Tiger/Giraffe/Tortoise buns (aka Zoo Buns) Recipe provided by Baking JD for the Daring Bakers challeng of March
- 2 packets (15 gm) active dry yeast
- 240 ml warm water
- 30 g sugar
- 2 tablespoons (30 ml) vegetable oil
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 240 g rice flour
Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and beat them with a whisk to combine. The consistency should be like stiff royal icing – spreadable, but not too runny. If you pull some up with your whisk, it should drip off slowly. Add more water or rice flour as necessary. Let it stand for 15 minutes.
Coat the top of each loaf or roll with a thick layer of topping. Make sure you don't put too few topping, it will not crack if there isn't enough of it on the loaf.
When baking, place pans on a rack in the center of the oven and bake your bread as you ordinarily would. The Dutch Cruch topping should crack and turn a nice golden-brown color.
White rolls
- 1 packet (7g) active dry yeast
- 60 ml warm water
- 240 ml warm milk
- 20 g sugar
- 2 tablespoons (30 ml) vegetable oil
- 1½ teaspoons (9 g) salt
- 600 g all purpose flour
In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine yeast, water, milk and sugar. Stir to dissolve and let it sit for about 5 minutes (the mixture should start to bubble or foam a bit and smell yeasty).
Add in vegetable oil, salt and 300 g of flour. Using the dough hook attachment or with your hands, mix at medium speed until the dough comes together.
Add the remaining flour a quarter cup at the time until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl.
Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for about 4 minutes, until smooth and elastic.
Place in a lightly greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let rise for 1 hour, or until it has doubled (or more) in size.
Once the dough has risen, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and divide it into 6 equal portions. Shape each into a ball and place them on a floured baking tray (try not to handle the dough too much at this point). Cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 15 minutes while you prepare the topping. Coat the top of each roll or loaf with the topping as described above. Once you’ve applied the topping, bake in a preheated moderately hot 200°C for 25-30 minutes, until well browned. Let them cool completely on a wire rack before eating.
- 2 bustine di lievito di birra in polvere
- 240 ml acqua tiepida
- 30 g zucchero
- 2 cucchiai (30 ml) olio vegetale
- ½ cucchiaino di sale
- 240 g farina di riso
Mescolare gli ingredienti in una ciotola con una frusta a mano per evitare grumi. La pasta deve avere una consistenza cremosa, non troppo liquida. Sollevando un po' di impasto con la frusta, questo deve scivolare via pesantemente. In caso aggiungere un po' di acqua o farina per raggiungere la giusta consistenza.
Spalmare la copertura sui panini prima di infornarli. Coprire i panini con uno strato piuttosto spesso di copertura: se lo strato e' troppo sottile non si crepera' in forno e non si formeranno i tipici disegni.
- 1 sacchetto (7 g) di lievito di birra in polvere
- 60 ml acqua tiepida
- 240 ml latte tiepido
- 20 g zucchero
- 2cucchiai (30 ml) di olio di oliva
- 1½ cucchiaino (9g circa) di sale
- 600 g farina
In una ciotola, mescolare lievito, acqua, latte e zucchero. Lasciar attivare per 5 minuti (si dovrebbero formare delle bolle in superficie). Aggiungere l'olio, il sale e 300 g di farina. Mescolare con un cucchiaio di legno per amalgamare gli ingredienti e aggiungere il resto della farina un po' alla volta. Poi impastare con il gancio a uncino (o a mano) finche' l'impasto non diventa liscio ed elastico. Riporre in una ciotola unta d'olio e lasciar riposare coperto con pellicola per un'ora o fino a che non sara' raddoppiato di volume. Dopo questo tempo, riprendere l'impasto e dividerlo in 6 parti uguali, formare delle palline (cercando di non lavoralo troppo per non vanificare la lievitazione), poggiarle su una teglia infarinata, coprirle e lasciarle riposare per 15 minuti. Nel frattempo preparare la copertura.
Spalmare i panini con abbondante copertura e infornarli in forno gia' caldo (200 C). Cuocere per 25-30 minuti finche' si saranno formate le caratteristiche crepe sulla superficie e il panino sara' diventato dorato.
And Spread the Mess
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Torretta di Crêpes di Primavera - Spring Time Crêpes Tower
There are moments in life when plenty is not enough. When you have everything you can possibly want and imagine, but when you feel you need more of everything. Of course, for some people that's a permanent state of being and is called greed. For Divine Cherry and Celestial Dragon, however, things are a bit different. For because their lives never really began, and can thus never end, their moments of grief are many. And when one such Moment appears (round the corner of the back door, usually, greeting the merry company with a sonorous "coo-coo"), the hunger required to satisfy it is boundless.
And so it was that one day, Celestial Dragon was visited by one such Moment. It had orange skin and a green beard. It's hair was blue and its nails red. It was a gorgeous Moment, full of sheen and shine. But, as it is with all Moments, it left Celestial Dragon wanting for more than that. And so Celestial Dragon got up from his Chair of Cumulus and went to Divine Cherry. The latter was in the garden, playing frisbee with Small Perfect Cloud. Or rather, Divine Cherry was throwing the yellow disk at Small Perfect Cloud who, still not understanding the rules of the game, thought that it was supposed lick it in the air while performing a triple backward somersault. It was an amusing sight, especially the tine tongue that never quite made it to the rim of the frisbee. Be that as it may, Celestial Dragon went up to Divine Cherry and told her what had happened. Immediately, the loving Divine Cherry, seeing food in everything, hatched a cunning plan. She namely took the frisbee as her inspiration and made crêpes. And because Celestial Dragon had had a Moment, she made a mountain of crêpes. As an endless line of crêpes is, I'm sure you'll agree, rather inconvenient for serving it on a plate, Divine Cherry stapled them up one on top of the other. And in order to bind them so that they wouldn't fall and topple over, she filled the spaces between each crêpe with a succulent concoction she had devised especially for the occasion.
And it came to be that Celestial Dragon was presented with a Spring Time Crêpes Tower – now available in your local pantheon: get it while the stock lasts.
-150 g plain flour
- 2 medium eggs
- 350 ml milk
- 50 ml water
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 30 g ghee
Beat the eggs and the salt with an electric beater, add the flour and liquids in alternation and continue to beat the mixture. Let it stand for half an hour. Heat in a nonstick skillet a bit of ghee, pour a ladleful of batter, turn the pan to spread the mixture well so as to obtain a thin crêpe. Cook on one side, lift with a wooden spatula and cook the other side. Repeat the process until all the batter is used.
- Half a leek
- 100 g of mangetout
- 100 g of peas
- 100 g of green beans
- 200 g cream cheese
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Salt and pepper
Wash and cut the ends of the green beans and the mangetout. Cut into 2-3 cm long pieces and steam with the peas for 7-8 minutes, they bust must be slightly crunchy. Besides, in the meantime, cut the leek into thin rings and cook them it in a pan with a little olive oil until soft. When the other vegetables are cooked, add them to the leeks and let them cook in the pan a few minutes in the pan, season with salt. Transfer the vegetables into a bowl and mix them with the cream cheese. If too dense, add a drizzle of olive oil and a little of milk.
Pesto – personal quick version
- A bunch of basil
- 15-20 g of pistachios
- 15-20 g almonds
- Extra virgin olive oil
- 2 tablespoons grated Parmiggiano
In a food processor chop the nuts. Add the basil with a generous round of olive oil and pulse. Mix with the grated Parmiggiano.
Lay a crêpe on a baking sheet, spread with the filling and pour in drops 2-3 teaspoons of pesto sauce, cover with another crêpe and repeat the process until all filling is finished (keep some pesto). Finish with a crêpe. Sprinkle with a little of grated parmiggiano. Put everything in a hot oven (180C) for 10-15 minutes, just long enough to heat the whole thing and let the flavors combine. Take it from the oven and pour the last 2 to 3 teaspoons of pesto on the surface.
Ricetta in Italiano:
-150 g farina
- 2 uova medie
- 350 ml latte
- 50 ml acqua
- 1/2 cucchiaino sale
- 30 g burro chiarificato
Sbattere le uova e il sale con le fruste, aggiungere la farina e il liquidi alternandoli e continuando a sbattere. Lasciar riposare il composto per mezzora. Scaldare in una padellina antiaderente un po' di burro, versare un mestolino di pastella, girare la padella in modo da spandere il composto per bene e per ottenere una crepe sottile. Cuocere da un lato, sollevare con una paletta di legno e cuocere dall'altro lato. Ripetere il procedimento fino ad esuarire tutta la pastella.
- 100 g circa di taccole
- 100 g circa di piselli
- 100 g circa di fagiolini
- 200 g formaggio cremoso
- olio evo
- sale e pepe
Lavare e tagliare le estremita' di fagiolini e taccole. Tagliarli a pezzetti lunghi 2-3 cm e cuocerli a vapore con i piselli per 5 minuti, devono rimanere sodi e leggermente croccanti. A parte, nel frattempo, tagliare a rondelle sottili il porro e farlo apassire in padella con un filo d'olio. Quandole altre verdure sono pronte, aggiungerle al porro e farle insaporire qualche minuto in padella, salare. Trasferire in una ciotola le verdure e mescolarle al formaggio cremoso, in caso fosse troppo denso aggiungere un filo d'olio a crudo e un po' di latte.
Pesto salva-dispensa
- un mazzetto di basilico
- 15-20 g di pistacchi
- 15-20 g mandorle
- olio evo
- 2 cucchiai di parmiggiano grattato
In un food processor tritare la frutta secca. Aggiungere il basilico con un generoso giro di olio di oliva. Mescolare con il parmigiano grattato.
Adagiare su una teglia una crêpe, spalmare il ripieno e versare a goccie 2-3 cucchiaini di pesto, coprire con un'altra crêpe e ripetere il procedimento fino ad esaurimento del ripieno (conservare un po' di pesto). Terminare con una crêpe. Spolverare con un po' di formaggio grattuggiato. Passare in forno caldo (180C per 10-15 minuti), giusto il tempo di scaldare il tutto e far unire i sapori. Tirare fuori dal forno e versare gli ultimi 2- 3 cucchiani di pesto sulla superficie dell'ultima crêpe.
Questa ricetta partecipa all'MTChallenge di Marzo!
Monday, 19 March 2012
Irish Soda Bread and Belated Happy St Patrick's Day
Everybody knows the story of St Patrick, and of how he fell off the giant ferris wheel and landed of a floor of sheep. Everybody also knows that St Patrick won the coveted PCP title (Pool Champion of Paradise) three centuries in a row, as well as that obscure story involving him, a talking cow, a rubber duck and a moustachioed barman. But not many people know of St Patrick's involvement with Celestial Dragon and Divine Cherry.
Today, however, it's all about to change; it's time the world knew.
As most saints, St Patrick didn't start his career as a saint. In his particular line of work, it takes time to prove oneself, and promotions are slow to come. Also, like for apothecaries and notaries, there are only a limited amount of available job openings during any one lifetime. And so it was that the not-yet-saint Patrick was one day sitting on the Hill of Slane, head in his hands, and musing at his present situation. He could not understand why his application for a promotion wasn't being backed up by the higher-ups. He had done everything they had asked him to: herded sheep, grown a beard, converted a entire country – he had even found a shamrock! But no, that wasn't enough. Soon-to-be-saint Patrick was despairing. It was at that moment that he saw two travellers. They were obviously on holiday and enjoying themselves. He observed that they slowly walked up the same hill he was on, and wondered what would happen. When they had reached the top of the hill, hopefully-saint Patrick noticed that something about them was not quite normal. But he couldn't tell what. They turned towards him and started speaking with him. Soon the three of them had become fast friends, and damn-I-want-to-be-a-saint Patrick found himself opening his heart to them, telling them his sorrow and his worries. Finally, he touched upon the subject of his wished-for sainthood, and confessed that he didn't know further. At that, the two travellers (who of course were Divine Cherry and Celestial Dragon), looked at each other and smiled. They told him not to worry, and gave him a meeting for the next night down at the local pub.
The next evening, at precisely 8.48pm, why-the-hell-am-I-not-saint Patrick arrived at the inn, spotted the two travellers and sat down next to them. On the table, apart from a generous quantity of weirdly-looking dark drinks, he saw an inviting loaf of bread. He was hungry. Celestial Dragon and Divine Cherry explained to him that this bread was the last, missing element for his promotion to sainthood. It was such a good bread, that if he were to distribute it among the people, they'd be raptured and delighted. Their happiness-index would raise dramatically, which in turn would raise the opinion his superiors had of him, which in turn again would raise him above the clouds. I-might-actually-soon-become-a-saint Patrick tasted the bread and knew that they were telling the truth.
History tells us that he followed Divine Cherry's and Celestial Dragon's advice. But history also tells us that happiness and deliciousness must be shared. So now, after having consulted with finally-Saint Patrick, Celestial Dragon and Divine Cherry have decided to share the recipe for the saint-making bread with the whole world. Here it is:
Irish Soda Bread
- 170 g wholemeal flour
- 170 g plain flour
- 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 290 ml buttermilk
Preheat the oven at 200°C. Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Make a well in the middle and add the buttermilk. Quickly mix the ingredients. Transfer the mixture on a working surface and knead briefly, then give it a round shape. The dough is very sticky at this stage but this is the way it should be! Put the dough on a floured baking tray, cut a cross on the top and bake for 30 minutes.
Note: This bread is better when eaten while it is still warm. Anyway, if you eat it also in the following days, it is better to warm it up a bit.
Irish Soda Bread
- 170 g farina integrale
- 170 g farina bianca
- 1 cucchiaino di bicarbonato di soda
- 1/2 cucchiaino di sale
- 290 ml di latticello (facilmente sostituibile con la stessa quantita di latte a cui vanno aggiunti 2 cucchiai di succo di limone)
Preriscaldare il forno a 200°C. In una ciotola capiente mescolare tutti gli ingredienti secchi. Fare un buco nel centro e aggiungere il latticello e mescolare velocemente. Trasferire il tutto sul piano di lavoro e impastare velocemente, l'impasto risultera' molto appiccicoso: va bene cosi'! Dare la forma alla pagnotta e riporla su una teglia ben infarinata. Incidere una croce sulla superifice e cuocere in forno per 30 minuti circa.
Nota: questo pane e' velocissimo e anche buono. Da' il meglio di s'e se mangiato appena pronto, ancora caldo. Non si conserva bene. Se avanza comunque e' buono scaldato sotto il grill un paio di minuti.
And Spread the Mess
Irish Soda Bread
- 170 g wholemeal flour
- 170 g plain flour
- 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 290 ml buttermilk
Preheat the oven at 200°C. Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Make a well in the middle and add the buttermilk. Quickly mix the ingredients. Transfer the mixture on a working surface and knead briefly, then give it a round shape. The dough is very sticky at this stage but this is the way it should be! Put the dough on a floured baking tray, cut a cross on the top and bake for 30 minutes.
Note: This bread is better when eaten while it is still warm. Anyway, if you eat it also in the following days, it is better to warm it up a bit.
Irish Soda Bread
- 170 g farina integrale
- 170 g farina bianca
- 1 cucchiaino di bicarbonato di soda
- 1/2 cucchiaino di sale
- 290 ml di latticello (facilmente sostituibile con la stessa quantita di latte a cui vanno aggiunti 2 cucchiai di succo di limone)
Preriscaldare il forno a 200°C. In una ciotola capiente mescolare tutti gli ingredienti secchi. Fare un buco nel centro e aggiungere il latticello e mescolare velocemente. Trasferire il tutto sul piano di lavoro e impastare velocemente, l'impasto risultera' molto appiccicoso: va bene cosi'! Dare la forma alla pagnotta e riporla su una teglia ben infarinata. Incidere una croce sulla superifice e cuocere in forno per 30 minuti circa.
Nota: questo pane e' velocissimo e anche buono. Da' il meglio di s'e se mangiato appena pronto, ancora caldo. Non si conserva bene. Se avanza comunque e' buono scaldato sotto il grill un paio di minuti.
And Spread the Mess
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Baked octopus and potatoes
A long time ago, and I do mean a loooong time ago, octopuses had only one leg. In fact, they were called monopuses. Also, they lived on land and were furry, had whiskers and purred like cats. Many believe that they were actually the true ancestors of the feline race, and proof has survived in the suffix of their name. Be that as it may, monopuses were quite clumsy. They had difficulty reaching higher, thus safer grounds; their mouths were too round to bite another animal; and their eyes were weirdly enough placed at the sides of their heads so that they constantly bumped into stones and rose bushes whenever they managed to gather enough strength to lift their one suction-cup-studded leg off the ground and hop away. Also, the lack of skeleton didn't help. However, because they so often bumped their mono-heads one stone and lost stone flip-flops on the beach, they developed a fierce intelligence. And so it was that the first Monopus-Council was called. Naturally, it was attended by monopuses of several generations later, since the journey was a long one and monopuses didn't have a long life expectancy (mainly due to their inaptitude at life).
One day, however, every monopus in the world had gathered on a beach. And this is in summary what they said: "Evolution hath made a mistake. It hath been most unfair. We therefore must compound a letter and sent it onto her, for thus our lives may not continue. Godammit."
And so it was that Evolution, that old prankster, got the letter, read it, and decided to act upon it. A few days later, the monopuses woke up with eight legs instead of one and no fur. Yet their mouths were still wrong and their eyes weird. Their superior intelligence however told them that their new habitat was to be the sea, and so they set out towards the water, hoping in a better future and a more dignified life. Most of them drowned (they hadn't taken into account their lack of a breathing apparatus). And those who didn't were picked up by primitive men, thrown on primitive stone tablets along with primitive potatoes and shoved into primitive ovens that still burned with primitive volcano fire.
This particular recipe was found on a primitive stone tablet, and is believed by not that many scientists, actually, to be the first ever recipe. In fact, it is a prehistoric recipe, since before this story, it didn't even exist. Enjoy.
Baked octopus with potatoes Recipe adapted from Vefa's Kitchen
- one octopus, medium-large size
- 6-7 potatoes, medium-small (more or less same quantity of octopus and potatoes)
- 10 date tomatoes
- extra virgin olive oil
- 2 garlic cloves
- oregano
- 1/4 glass of white wine
- salt
Clean and cut the octopus in 4-5 cm long pieces. Peel the potatoes and cut them in wedges (8 wedges per potato). Cut the tomatoes in slices. Heat some oil in a pan, add the halved garlic cloves and let them fry for a couple of minutes. Add the tomatoes and quickly cook for 4-5 minutes, season and add the oregano. Set aside. Preheat the oven at 180°C.
Arrange the octopus and potatoes in a baking tray, and pour the wine and the tomatoes with their juices on top. Add also a little water to keep the octopus moist. Bake it for 45min-1hour, until the octopus and the potatoes are soft and the liquids reduced.
Note: While baking, check the octopus from time to time and, if necessary, add some water to keep it moist. When the octopus is almost ready, do not add other liquids and let the juices reduce.
Polipo e patate al forno Ricetta adattata da Vefa's Kitchen
- un polipo medio grande
- 6-7 patate medio piccole (ok, si sara' capito che per questo tipo di ricette io non peso gli ingredienti, comunque visivamente tante patate quanto polipo)
- una decina di pomodorini datterini
- olio evo
- 2 spicchi d'aglio
- origano
- un quarto di bicchiere di vino bianco
- sale
Pulire il polipo e tagliarlo a pezzi lunghi 4-5 cm. Pelare le patate e tagliarle a spicchi (8 spicchi per patata). Tagliare i pomodorini a fettine. A parte scaldare un po' di olio in un pentolino, aggiungere gli spicchi d'aglio sbucciati e tagliati a meta' e quando l'olio si sara' insaporito aggiungere i pomodorini. Lasciar insaporire per 3/4 minuti, salare e aggiungere l'origano. Scaldare il forno a 180 C.
In una teglia, disporre il polipo e le patate, salare, dare un giro d'olio e mescolare bene. Versare i pomodorini appassiti con il loro sughetto sopra. Aggiungere il vino e un fondo d'acqua. Infornare e cuocere per 45min/ 1ora, finche' sia il polipo che le patate saranno morbidi e i liquidi asciugati.
Note: Controllare durante la cottura che il polipo sia sempre bagnato, altrimenti secchera', mescolare di tanto in tanto e aggiungere un po' d'acqua se necessario. Quando il polipo e' quasi cotto, non aggiungere piu' liquidi in modo da far restringere il sughetto.
Monday, 5 March 2012
Apple cake
They were looking at Small Perfect Cloud. It had come up to the World-Window, looking in from outside. Its grey-blue eyes were piercing the glass like diamonds, shining with the light of curiosity onto a table decked with something it wanted. It had smelled it a long way off. It had smelled its delicious warmth as it was travelling the skies, looking for a spot in which it could from the sun (they were playing astral hide and seek). As soon as Small Perfect Cloud's nostrils had picked up the scent of what it was only able to identify as "want", however, it had turned around, wagged its tail in the sun's annoyed and sneezing face and trotted off towards the Palace. Divine Cherry and Celestial Dragon were admiring what the oven had magically issued, looking at it from various angles, trying to find an opening. All Divine Cherry had done was put a mixture in the oven and puff! out of nowhere, there had come this out. She suspected Time had something to do with it, but couldn't prove it. This got her quite worked up, so that cherries all over the world turned sour (resulting, incidentally, in the creation of the Black Forest Cake which prior to that used to be called Sweetest-Cake-Possibly-Gotten-Out-Of-The-Fruits-Of-This-DamnItWhereIsMyTorch-Forest).
A blue-skinned old man, dressed in furs and beads and surrounded by flames, and dancing on one foot on the back of a stupid demon while holding a small drum in one hand, making funny signs with another hand, pointing to a splinter in his toe with yet another hand, and failing to notice that the cigarette in his last hand had actually caught fire – all the while not flinching at the tickling of a fastidious fly out of fear that the snake around its neck might awake and kill him – once told Divine Cherry "not to worry". That had been the most inappropriate piece of advice in the universe.
So Celestial Dragon decided to take matters in his own hand: he picked up the knife that was lying on the table. He cut the cake, releasing all its aromas, its scents, its baked pheromones of desire. Small Perfect Cloud, unable to refrain itself any longer – and forgetting the windowpane in front of it – tried to jump at the cake on the table – still not thinking about the solid glass in front of its nose – and whack! smashed into it. Much to the delight of everybody else, especially the sun.
That apple cake turned out to be the best apple cake in the world, a claim not in the least influenced by Small Perfect Cloud's clumsiness.
Apple cake
- 3 large apples
- 175 ml sunflower oil
- 225 g sugar
- 2 medium eggs
- 210 g plain flour
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
- 1/2 taspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 40 g cashews, chopped (or walnuts)
- 80 g raisins
Preheat the oven at 180°C. Peel and cut the apples in thin slices, then put them temporarily aside. Whisk the oil and the sugar with the electric whisks. Add the eggs, one at a time, and continue beating them until you get a creamy mixture. Add the flour, the cinnamon, the salt, the baking powder and the vanilla extract. Stir well and add the fruits. Pour the mixture in a greased and floured round mould. Bake for one hour / one hour and 15 minutes or until, when touching the surface of the cake, it springs back.
Torta di mele
- 3 mele grosse
- 175 ml olio di semi
- 225 g zucchero
- 2 uova medie
- 210 g farina
- 1/2 cucchiaino di sale
- 1/2 cucchiano di bicarbonato di sodio
- 1/2 cucchiaino cannella in polvere
- 1/2cucchiaino di estratto di vaniglia
- 40 g anacardi sbriciolati, o noci
- 80 g uvetta
- zucchero a velo per spolverare alla fine
Scaldare il forno a 180 C. Sbucciare e tagliare le mele a fettine sottili e metterle da parte. Nel frattempo sbattere l'olio con lo zucchero con le fruste elettriche, aggiungere le uova una ad una continuando a sbattere fino ad avere un composto cremoso. Aggiungere la farina, la cannella, il bicarbonato, la vaniglia e il sale. Mescolare bene e aggiungere le mele e la frutta secca. Versare il composto in una teglia imburrata e infarinata. Cuocere per un'ora abbondante o fino a che toccando la superficie della torta, questa risulta elastica.
And Spread the Mess
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