One of the main inconveniences of living in an eternally long mansion, like Divine Cherry and Celestial Dragon do, is that sometimes things get forgotten. They are for example left in that grey area behind the Cumulus Cloud Couch, and no one even remembers their existence. It may also happen that things start to evolve, start to develop a life of their own. And that is troublesome. After all, they would be living rent-free, and what sane divine being would ever want rent-free tenants? But drawing up a contract is a major headache, and when what you're looking at is an eternity of headaches, you tend to avoid it.
So it was that Divine Cherry found an old box of muesli. When he was younger, Celestial Dragon used to love those muesli. Notice the past tense. Divine Cherry, ever vigilant, every preventive, decided to take the remaining muesli (knowing full well that Celestial Dragon wouldn't object or even notice, for that matter), and to transform it into delicious morning cookies. Here's how you can do it too:
-300g of Alpen original muesli
-125g of flour
-122g of butter
-110g of sugar
-1 egg
-1 generous tsp of honey
-2 tbsp of boiling water
-1/2 tsp of yeast
In a large bowl, mix the muesli, the yeast, the flour and the sugar. Meanwhile, melt the butter in the microwave. Or in any other wave you think is appropriate. Like a heat wave, for example. Global warming will also do the trick. Add the molten butter, the honey and the boiling water in the bowl and mix well. Lastly, add the egg and mix again. Now form little hazelnut-sized balls (avoid tapping into your unconscious and making them too large), put them on a with baking foil covered tray and lightly squash them with a fork. Put them in a preheated oven at 180°C for ten minutes. Enjoy.
- 300g Alpen original (muesli a base di fiocchi d'avena e frutta secca tra cui uvette e noci)
- 125g farina
- 122g burro
- 110g zucchero
- 1 uovo
- 1 cucchiaino abbondante di miele
- 2 cucchiai di acqua bollente
- 1/2 cucchiaino lievito
Mescolare in una ciotola capiente gli ingredienti secchi ( muesli, farina, lievito e zucchero). Intanto far sciogliere il burro in microonde. Aggiungere il burro sciolto con il miele e l'acqua agli altri ingredienti, mescolare bene. Infine aggiungere l'uovo per unire e almalgamare bene il tutto. Con l'impasto, formare delle palline grosse come noci, poggiarle su una teglia rivestita di carta forno e schiacciarle un po' con una forchetta. Infornare a forno caldo a 180°C per 10 minuti.
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