Tuesday 10 April 2012

Oeufs farcis – Uova ripiene

Easter Saga 1

There is, of course, something inherently Easter-y about eggs. Some say that eggs were in fact invented by the First Bunnies, who were in fact Kangaroos and carried them in their pouches on their way to small gardens that were invariable visited by even smaller children. Some even say that the hens, when they saw the Kangoo-Bunnies, decided that they wanted to have eggs as well, and that, after having realised that they lacked the quintessential pouch, they decided to use another storage chamber. Independently of the biological and evolutionary nature of eggs, they somehow seem to crop up mostly around Easter. Which has led some scientists to believe that they actually grow on trees.
But we are not concerned with such petty ontological questions. What we are concerned with is rather what Divine Cherry managed to concoct for this year's Easter feast. And what a feast it was! However, since it's been such a success, Divine Cherry and Celestial Dragon were at first reluctant to divulge their menu. But fear not, for they have agreed eventually (coaxed mainly by some of the guests) to let the world in on their heavenly Easter feast. The next few recipes will be part of the Easter Saga, so increase your meditation sessions in order to stay tuned to the food-waves that will, invariably, be emanating from your screens.

For 9 eggs: 3 per filling. Put the eggs in cold water and boil for 7 mins counting form when the water starts to boil. Peel the eggs and cut them in half. Then extract the yolks and prepare the following filling:

Eggs and Peas
-2 handfuls of green peas
-3 hard-boiled yolks
-2 tbsp of mayonnaise
-10-15 capers, washed and dried

Boil the peas in water, drain, add salt and put them in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients (keep 18 for later). Blend all the ingredients with an electric belnder. Fill the eggs (as shown in the picture) and garnish with three peas.

Eggs and Anchovies
-2 anchovies
-1 table spoon of mayonnaise
-3 hard-boiled yolks

Cut the anchovies finely, squash the yolks with a fork and mix everything with the mayo. Fill the eggs and decorate with a slice of tomato and one of zucchini.

Eggs and Olives&Basil
-10-20 black olives
-1 generous table spoon of full-fat soft cheese
-3 hard-boiled yolks
-1 tea spoon of chopped basil
-1 tea spoon of extra virgin olive oil

Cut the olives into small pieces, squash the yolks with a fork and mix everything with the remaining ingredients. Salt to taste. As usual, fill the boiled egg whites and decorate with an olive.

Per 9 uova: 3 uova per ogni ripieno. Mettere le uova in acqua fredda e farle cuocere per 7 minuti dal bollore.
Spellare le uova e tagliarle a metà, togliere i tuorli e preparare i ripieni:

Uova ai piselli ( 3 uova)
- 2 manciate di piselli
- 3 tuorli sodi
- 2 cucchiai di maionese
- 10-15 capperi sotto sale, sciacquati e asciugati

Lessare i piselli, scolarli, salarli e metterli in una ciotola con gli altri ingredienti (tenerne da parte 18), frullare bene il tutto. Riempire le uova con il ripieno e decorarle con 3 pisellini.

Uova alle acciughe (3 uova)
- 2 acciughe
- 1 cucchiaio di maionese
- 3 tuorli sodi

Spezzettare le acciughe, schiacciare i tuorli e mescolare il tutto con la maionese. Riempire le uova e decorare con un pezzetto di pomodoro e un pezzetto di zucchina.

Uova alle olive e basilico (3 uova)
- 15- 20 olive nere
- un cucchiaio abbondante di formaggio cremoso
- 3 tuorli sodi
- un cucchiaino di basilico tritato
-un cucchiaino di olio evo

Tagliare a pezzetti le olive, schiacciare i tuorli con una forchetta e mescolare con gli altri ingredienti, aggiustare di sale. Riempire le uova con il ripieno e decorare con un'oliva nera.

And Spread the Mess

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