Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Bombay Aloo

Once upon a time Celestial Dragon sneezed. He sneezed so hard that his dragon-snout actually grew longer by several inches. He sneezed so hard that the fire he breathed out Kamehameha'd an entire continent. In fact, it burnt the continent so badly that for a number of millennia nothing ever grew on it. Then, one day, Celestial Dragon felt sorry for what had happened and took pity. Especially on himself. That is why he decided to shorten his snout. Also, he thought he would make amends for the involuntary destruction of an entire section of the world by bringing about the glory it would have evolved into had he not burned it in the first place. And so it was that an entire subcontinent was reborn in a single second, without anyone anywhere being aware it had never existed in the first place. That is the power of dragon magic.
It was such an explosion of colours smells perfumes thoughts laughter tears music life and joy that Celestial Dragon was completely overwhelmed by it. He staggered a few steps backwards, so (literally) taken aback was he. Divine Cherry, in her eager curiosity, then proposed they visited the new continent. And what a surprise it was! The people; the flowers; the cities; the food. Especially the food. Divine Cherry was surrounded by myriads of new recipes. In her frenzy to get a taste of them she ate everything she could find. She tasted every single dish this new world was offering. And among all of those news flavours, this one stood out in particular:

Bombay Aloo - Recipe adapted form "Delicious.- Mar 2012 "

- 3 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 50g butter
- 2 chillies
- 20 curry leaves
- 1 large onion, finely chopped
- 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
- 2 taspoons black mustard seeds
- 1 taspoon fenugreek seeds,
- 1/2 teaspoon tumeric
- 1 teaspoon garam masala
- 1 kg potatoes, cut in 2-3cm cubes
- 1 table spoon lemon juice
- sea salt and fresh coriander

In a heavy-bottom pan put the oil, butter, chillies, curry leaves and the chopped onion, cook until tender (3-4 minutes). Add all the spices, stir well, cover and let to cook for a minute or two. Add the potatoes, stir to coat all the pieces and let it cook for a couple of minutes. Cover the potatoes with boiling water until just covered (it should be 600 ml of water more or less), add the lemon juice and salt and let it cook for 15-20 minutes, until the water is absorbed. Serve with some fresh coriander.

This recipe partecipates to a "celebration of indian Food" on Lisa's kitchen
Bombay Aloo - ricetta adattata da "Delicious.- Mar 2012"

- 3 cucchiai di olio vegetale dal sapore neutro
- 50 g burro
- 2 peperoncini
- una ventina di foglie di curry
- 1 grossa cipolla finemente tritata
- 1/2 cucchiaino di semi di cumino
- 2 cucchiaini semi di senape neri
- 1 cucchiaino di semi di fieno greco
- 1/2 cucchiaino di curcuma
- 1 cucchiaino di garam masala
- 2 peperoncini, verdi e freschi se si trovano (io ho usato 2 peperoncini secchi rossi)
- 1 cucchiao di succo di limone
- acqua bollente.

In una pentola dal fondo spesso, mettere la cipolla ad apassire per 3-4 minuti con l'olio, il burro, i peperoncini e le foglie di curry. Aggiungere tutte le spezie e far insaporire per un paio di minuti. Aggiungere le patate a tocchetti, e farle insaporire nelle spezie, girarle qualche volta in modo da coprirle bene con le spezie. Coprire le patate con acqua bollete: le patate devono essere appena coperta, versare il succo di limone e il sale. Portare a cottura e far assorbire tutta l'acqua. Servire con del coriandolo fresco.


  1. Thank you for your entry. Love your write up :)

  2. Looks really tasty!
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    1. I love greek cusine, I'm looking forward to sharing recipes with you! Thank you for following :)

  3. This is a fabulous potato dishn can't wait to try it.
