Monday, 20 February 2012

Mushroom and chilli patè - patè di funghi al peperoncino

…Mr Sandman! Bring me a dream…
For once, Mr Sandman (or Sandy) did listen. He decided to bring a dream indeed, although he was unsure as to what to bring yet. So he went off to his largest depot which was located beneath an old army airbase in a hot country; the one he had subtly named "Desert Wind". Or "Kamikaze", as he also liked to call it. He solved the Sphinx-riddle that secured the heavy door and stepped inside. Once there, Sandy took out from his dark, long pockets two halves of a golden scarab and tossed them in the sand where they started glowing, united, and opened the last door to the Chamber of Dreams, like so. We are such stuff as dreams are made on, Mr Sandman thought, and entered his depot after he having replied "me" to the sand-proof voice recognition software. In there he found everything everyone had ever dreamed of. But he didn't care about that, for he knew all of that already. So he went forth into his gallery to the section called "Divination". This was a pun he was particularly fond of. You see, in this section were not only all the dreams the divine beings dreamt, but also those that were yet to be dreamt. Incidentally, only the divines had undreamt dreams left. And so it was that he leisurely walked in his sandy halls. In front of a quite interesting future-dream, Sandy stopped short. This is it, he thought. This is exactly what I shall send to Celestial Dragon. Then Mr Sandman looked closer at who was actually dreaming it. It was thus that he realised that it was Divine Cherry, and that she was dreaming it for Celestial Dragon. Sandy smiled, took the dream and left "Kamikaze" by the security exit.
This is the dream he brought.

Mushroom and chilli  paté 
- 80 g chestnut mushroom
- olive oil
- 1/4 onion, finely chopped
- 1/2 garlic clove
- a pinch of chiili powder
- a pinch of numeg
- 40 g unsalted butter
- salt

Soften the onion with the oil in a pan. Add the mushrooms and cook them. Cool the mushrooms and put them in a mixer with the rest of the ingredients. Blend it thoroughly until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Put the paté in a bowl or a jar, cover with cling film and leave it in the fridge for several hours (or one night). Serve with wholemeal homemade bread

Paté di funghi al peperoncino

- 80 g funghi champignon
- olio evo
- 1/4 cipolla, tritata finemente
- mezzo spicchio d'aglio
- una punta di peperoncino
- una punta di noce moscata
- 40 g burro

Saltare in padella i funghi con la cipolla. Farli raffreddare e metterli in un mixer con il peperoncino e la noce moscata, salare. Aggiungere il burro e azionare il mixer fino ad ottenere un composto liscio. Versare in un vasetto o una ciotolina, coprire con pellicola e lasciare in frigo per alcune ore. Servire con pane casereccio.

Queste ricetta partecipa all'MT Challenge di Febbraio! La sfida è stata lanciata da Bucci.


  1. Now this is a happy, delicious dream! Lovely pate~

  2. bello ! Semplice e profumatissimo! Grazie mille e buona serata.

    1. Grazie realta' stavolta ne ho preparato pure un'altro di pate'...prossimamente sui vostri schermi... stay tuned! ;)

  3. This sounds good! I will give it a try soon. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much Eftychia, it is really quick to make, it is worth a try really :)

  4. I love mushroom pate but have never made it, I'll have to remember this one, it sounds lovely.

    1. First time i try as well, but it is so easy and quick that I'll preprare it more often, for sure!

  5. Questo è uno di quei patè che sicuramente copierò, adoro i funghi e spessissimo entrano nei miei antipasti.

    1. Ciao Natalia, in effetti e' velocissimo da preparare e se hai ospiti ti risolve l'antipasto in 2 minuti :)

  6. Semplicissimo e sicuramente buonissimo! Mi piace molto come hai deciso di speziarlo. Come dici tu, il bello è che ti risolve l'antipasto in un attimo, e con grande gioia degli ospiti!
    Un bacio, Bucci

  7. Ecco, questo per me è meno complicato e lo provo subito. Ma come avete fatto a proporne due? Tempo tiranno!!!
